21 October 2009

More Replay in Baseball? (A Twenty-Four Year Old's Perspective)

After the Angels and Yankees game (20 Oct 2009) many have now called for more instant replay in baseball to get the call correct. However what these people fail to realize, is this will end the time honor tradition of the coach going out on the field to yell at the umpire, which in turn increases fan participation. The crowd was much more involve after the blown calls and helped temporarily rally the Angels. Instant replay will erase these coaching tantrums (for the most part). Think about some the best moments in baseball's history and tell me Billy Martin kicking dirt on the ump is not a favorite, or that crazy minor league coach who used the chalk bag as a grenade while he crawled along the field. While these scenes may cause embarrassment they also make baseball, well, baseball. While I agree replays would not add much if any more length to the game, they will take away the spirit of the crowd. Instead of giving the crowd something to jaw about, the replays will slow down the feeling of the game though not actually adding any time. Maybe I am crazy, but I hope for a coach umpire confrontation in the game because it adds in the extra drama and excitement. So please do not add more replay, the human error adds to the excitement and drama that is baseball.

19 October 2009

Green by Ted Dekker, my review

The story of Thomas (of) Hunter continues on in Green by Ted Dekker. If you have read the original Circle Trilogy (Black, Red, and White) then this story is the next chapter of the saga. Thomas in the parallel world is living a peaceful life but a challenger to his reign and ideals rises up and challenges not only him but all those washed in the lake. Meanwhile back in a distance future world from our own, Billy is on a mission to find Thomas’ blood using is special ability to get it. Little does Billy or Thomas realize but both of their worlds are going to collide to complete the circle or destroy it.

The only two possible negatives of this book are one the author (Ted Dekker) believes anyone can pick this book first before reading the trilogy or any of the previous related stories and second the story is similar to the trilogy. I personally think this book would be extremely confusing for any one unfamiliar with any of the previous books. Beside these two aspects this book is just as enthralling and engaging as the original trilogy and easily rates as one of Dekker’s best fantasy novels.

Read the first chapters here: http://buzzplant.com/teddekker/green/downloads/Green-Chapter%201-2.pdf